Technical Seminar on Deploying Artificial Intelligence into Action for Driving Energy Optimisation

Details and Organizers
Date:  16 March 2021 (Tuesday)
Time:   6:30pm – 8:00pm
Venue: Online Seminar via zoom
Organizers: ASHRAE Hong Kong Charter / HKIE Building Services Division / CIBSE Hong Kong Region

Programme Highlight:
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone a remarkable development. AI works best when large amounts of data are available. This characteristic is particularly suitable for the building energy management field where large sets of building operating data can be obtained through building management systems (BMS). This seminar discusses how AI can be used to optimise energy use of central chiller plants. A comparison of different optimisation methods is made to illustrate the advantages and limitations of each optimisation method. Apart from real-time optimisation, AI can be used to predict cooling load for optimal morning start-up. A typical office building in Hong Kong is used to demonstrate the above applications.

Dr. Pan LEE
BEng, PhD

Pan Lee is currently an Assistant Technical Manager at ATAL Building Services Engineering Ltd. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (in Energy Performance Contracting) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2016. He has extensive experience in both commercial and R&D projects, including HVAC optimisation, fault detection and diagnosis (FDD), data visualisation, as well as artificial intelligence in building control.

Cantonese with English Terminology

CPD Certificate:
Only accepted register participants will receive an electronic CPD certificate: i.e. sharing of the register link to others are prohibited and HKIE BSD reserves the right to disqualify and terminate those non-properly registered participants to attend the Seminar.

Registration & Enquiry:
The Seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required. For registration, please register ONLINE via the website of HKIE(BSD) - Under the current COVID-19 spreading issue, special arrangement is adopted to limit the maximum number of participants to be 100. Those successful participants are requested to attend the Seminar by their own. Application will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful members will be informed by confirmation email with a zoom meeting link few days before the event. Transfer or sharing of the registration is prohibited.

For enquiry, please contact Ir Felix Chan at 2844-3897 and Ir W.H. Se at 9481-9909.

Detailed flyer can be downloaded here.