Technical Webinar on Introduction of Practical Guide for Design, Installation, Acceptance and Maintenance of FSI & Equipment

Joint Technical Webinar on Introduction of Practical Guide for Design, Installation, Acceptance and Maintenance of Fire Service Installations and Equipment

Date, time & venue
Date: 16-Apr-2021
Time: 18:00-19:00
Venue: Online Webinar

Language: Cantonese with English Terminology and presentation materials

Programme Highlights

FSD, HKIE (Fire Division), HKIE (Building Services Division) and HKIFE jointly co-organize a technical webinar to introduce the subject Practical Guide to the members of FSD, HKIE (Fire Division), HKIE (Building Services Division) and HKIFE.  The webinar will be conducted via Cisco Webex with arrangement as follows:-

The webinar will be divided into 4 sessions, detailed arrangements are tabulated hereunder for your reference.
1 Design
1.1 - Workflow of General Building Plan Submission
1.2 - General Building Plan Submission
1.3 - Fire Safety Assessment Report Submission
1.4 - Fire Safety Management Plan Submission

1.5 - Smoke Control System Submission

2 Acceptance Inspection
2.1 - Acceptance Inspection of FSI
2.2 - General Guidelines
2.3 - Common Irregularities
3 Maintenance
3.1 - Annual Inspection Checklists
3.2 - FSI Shutdown
4. Q&A
Conducted by New Projects Division, Fire Service Installations Division & Fire Service Installations Task Force
Registration & Enquiries

The seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required. For HKIE members, please register via the web-link ( The deadline of application is 12 April 2021. The organizers reserve the right to decline their application if no membership no. is submitted. 

Application will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful members will be informed by confirmation email with a Webex meeting link few days before the event. Transfer or sharing of the registration is prohibited.  For enquiry, please contact Ir TK YUE by email at