Date: 5 December 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm (Regsitration at 6:20pm)
Venue: (Online) Zoom; (Physical) Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, 9/F, HKIE HQ, Causeway Bay
Programme Highlight:
The Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633) (the Ordinance), gazetted on 30 November 2018, introduced a regulatory regime for private healthcare facilities comprising hospitals, day procedure centres, clinics and health services establishments in Hong Kong SAR. Pursuant to the Ordinance, two codes of practice, one for private hospitals and the other for day procedure centres, were published to set out the licensing standards.
The Code of Practice for Day Procedure Centres (2023 Edition) has taken effect from 3 February 2023 with the inclusion of new regulatory requirements of healthcare engineering systems, namely electrical installation, specialized ventilation system, and medical gas supplies in day procedure centres with a transitional arrangement.
The technical seminar will introduce the new regulatory requirements, implementation arrangement and certification scheme of healthcare engineering systems in day procedure centres. It also covers experience sharing by engineering practitioners on how to comply with the statutory requirements and the internationally acceptable standards in the building services design and installation
Ir Bowen KWOK - Department of Health
Ir KWOK is the senior engineer of the Office for Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities, Department of Health. He is primarily responsible for licensing and regulation related to healthcare engineering installations in private healthcare facilities in Hong Kong SAR.
Mr. Harry HAR - Union Hospital
Mr. Har is the Chief Estate Manager of Union Hospital with extensive experience in planning, operation & maintenance and project management for building services installation and biomedical equipment in both the private hospital extension and various new day procedure centres in Hong Kong SAR.
Mr. Brian TANG - Baptist Hospital
Mr. Tang is the Manager In-Charge (Estates and Facilities Management) of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital. With over 10 years’ experience in the healthcare settings of private and public hospitals, he is currently responsible for planning and project management of capital/ renovation projects, dayto-day operation, and repair & maintenance of hospital buildings, day procedure centers and Support Services Center of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital.
Cantonese with English Terminology
CPD Certificate:
CPD attendance certificate will be distributed to the participants after the seminar by email. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify and terminate those non-properly registered participants.
Registration & Enquiry:
The seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required. The number of participants is limited to 70 in person attendees and 500 online participants. Members can select the preference for the mode of attendance. For prior registration, please register at the enrolment website:
Application will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis and priority will be given to members of HKIE Building Service Division, ASHRAE and CIBSE. Successful members will be informed by a confirmation email on or before 3 December 2023.
For any enquiries, please contact Ms Esther Mak at 2596-4544 or email:
The original flyer can be downloaded here.